Project Information and Documents
the Compton walk
The community-based Next Stop Compton vision for Compton Boulevard streetscape is comprised of the addition of a protected cycle track, a widened sidewalk which will see the introduction of street trees, street furniture, a linear art element on the sidewalk and a spill-out zone for future retail/restaurant spaces which would provide outdoor dining and other outdoor elements.
project alternatives
This packet describes three conceptual alternatives for the future of the central part of the Compton Station Specific Plan area. The alternatives are the subject of a Virtual Workshop which was open for comment in May 2020.
existing conditions report
The Comprehensive Existing Conditions Report gives information about the current setting of the Compton Station area. It describes and analyzes the conditions related to the station area’s location, history, utility infrastructure, mobility, parking, market setting, urban design, planning-related social issues and relevant transit-oriented development examples.
The study area for Next Stop Compton, shown in tan, roughly corresponds to the 1/2 mile radius from Compton Station on the Metro A (Blue) Line.
About this Project
Birthplace and proving ground of world-famous athletes and hip-hop artists, Compton is a community that is ready to shine. New leadership and investment from homegrown stars are writing a new narrative about Compton, one that can be played out in the city center as the community imagines and plans for a new Compton Station area.
“Next Stop Compton” is the City of Compton’s new planning effort to build a better downtown, making it into a world-class destination that all of our residents can enjoy. The effort will create a new Specific Plan that will guide future development in the vicinity of the Metro Blue Line Compton Station.
The Specific Plan seeks to take advantage of the accessibility provided by the expanding Metro Rail system in order to:
Promote new development and public spaces that strengthen local identity and create a special, unique sense of place that is authentic to Compton
Attract investment and rehabilitation that strengthen the City’s economic base and infrastructure
Create employment, career and advancement opportunities for the City’s residents
Create a pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly environment that enhances sustainability and safety
The final plan will include:
A community-supported vision with images of the desired future
New zoning and development standards governing what can be built throughout the station area
Design concepts for improvements to streets, parks, plazas and open spaces
Recommended physical improvements for parking and pedestrian and bicycle circulation
Public financing and other measures necessary to implement the plan